Quality Control


Quality control refers to proactive measures taken by importers to inspect factories guarantee product quality. To ensure you import quality products, Missourian Liquidators quality control process is designed to help you partner with the right supplier. Audits focusing on verifying potential suppliers can avoid scammers and incompetent manufacturers while factory audits can highlight the capabilities of suppliers. Social audits assess the supplier’s ethical conduct like equality in the workplace, environmental issues, and human rights. The audits and inspections used in pre-production lay the foundation of the Missourian Liquidators QC process but it should be guided by a comprehensive quality control checklist. 

Missourian Liquidators inspection team will focus on product inspection starting with an initial production check before mass-production then proceed to DUPRO and PSI. Your quality control process is completed when the inspection team supervises the loading of your products for shipping. It is undeniable that adhering to quality control best practices when dealing with overseas suppliers offers a wide range of benefits.

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